We offer many presentations and programs to educate the public on a vast array of topics involving veterinary medicine, including veterinary medicine as a career, animal husbandry, illnesses and epidemics, reproduction, stem cell therapy, traveling with your pet…
Shadow Program
We have partnered with local Broward County public and private schools to provide a shadow program for students contemplating a career in veterinary medicine. By shadowing our doctors during a normal shift, experiencing a day in the life of a veterinarian includes observing client appointments, diagnostic work-ups, patient treatments, surgery and post-surgical care, the student gets a hands-on feel for what being a veterinarian entails.
Career Day Presentations
Our doctors have participated in numerous presentations at local elementary, middle and high school Career Days. Our doctors enjoy discussing our profession with these young students, giving them insight and guidance for a career in veterinary medicine.
Classroom Presentations
We have conducted many presentations to elementary and private grade school classes on being a veterinarian and responsible pet ownership. With visual aids and several pets (if allowed) we engage these young students in being responsible pet owners, and what we as veterinarians do to help sick and injured pets.
Educational Presentations
Our doctors have lectured locally and nationally to dog clubs and community groups on a vast array of veterinary topics including reproduction, frozen semen, bloat, stem cell therapy, pet first aid, canine influenza, allergies in pets, nutrition, and low-level laser therapy. If your club or group is interested in having one of our doctors lecture at a club or group meeting, please contact us.